25 Easy To Follow Workouts You Can Do Anywhere!
Another great workout from the creators of Annihilation: Total Body Training System, BDJ Boxing For Fitness and Iron Elite Strength & Conditioning. 
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Get Maximum Results In Minimal Time!

Dear Fitness Enthusiast and Fellow Personal Fitness Trainers,If you need an intense, fat burning, lean muscle building, training system that can be done anywhere without fancy equipment. You can do this in your living room, your office or in your hotel room then this will be the most important message you have ever read in your life.


Before Covid-19 we took having a gym and access to all the equipment and trainers we wanted for granted. One day we woke up and watched the news and discovered we no longer had access to all of these modern amenities. Then if that wasn't bad enough news, we discovered that we couldn't buy dumbbells or benches for our home gyms. Working out was hard enough but not having access to our favorite trainer or equipment makes it almost impossible.


 Imagine a quick, intense conditioning workout that will improve overall strength in your upper body, lower body, core and midsection. 

I have combined my years of research and knowledge and arranged it  into an easy to follow guide that you can start using today. It doesn’t matter if you are personal trainer looking for new workouts to get results for your clients, or if you are a fitness novice ready to have the flat stomach and lean sculpted body you have been working for, this book is for you.
  •  Exercises With Video Demonstrations
  • Upper And Lower Body Exercises Designed To Develop A Lean Sculpted Athletic Body
  •  Core and Abdominal Exercises Designed To Develop The Flat Stomach You Have Always Wanted
  • 25 Done For You Workouts Proven To Get Results That You Can Start Using Today
  • Print Out The Workouts From A Downloadable PDF Or Access On Your Phone Or Tablet

The Time For Waiting Is Over: Act Now!

Every day that passes you by is one more day that you are missing out on reaching your fitness goals.
You are reading this right now because you are searching for something new or different.
Maybe your gym or your city is shutdown again and you need a quick effective workout that you can do at home or at your desk. 

Maybe you need a plan to fit into those favorite pair of jeans that stopped fitting a few months ago.
It could be that you have grown tired of being angry at the scale and disgusted by the mirror.
Perhaps you are stuck at a plateau that you just can’t seem to break through.
Even frustrated that you haven’t seen the results you work hard for and deserve.
You may even be a personal trainer who needs fresh new ideas and workouts to get results for your clients.
The things you want are here, all you have to do is take action now.
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What The Hell Is A Deck Of Cards Workout?

So I guess you are wondering how you are going to get in the best shape of your life in your office or living room with a deck of playing cards?

I know I know it seems silly but hear me out...

Most of us automatically assume that the more equipment and accessories you have available the better. 
Stop by any new big box chain gym and you will see rows of treadmills, elliptical trainers and selectorized machines.

Through clever marketing and constant ads and commercials they would have you believe that without their equipment you have no chance to get in amazing condition and get rid of your unwanted body fat.

They Are Wrong And I Will Tell You Why...

A 2015 study on the effects of a 10 week only bodyweight only  program for women 21-23 years old revealed "that as far as physical fitness is concerned, the bodyweight exercises had had a positive impact on all of the elements of physical fitness which were measured, including statistically significant increases in the explosive strength of the lower extremities (5.6%; p<0.01), strength endurance of the trunk (10.7%; p<0.01), and aerobic capacity (33.3%; p<0.05)."

Simply put, 10 weeks of a bodyweight only workouts will make you faster, improve your core strength and improve your aerobic capacity (ability to use oxygen for performance) by up to 33%.

It is just science...now that I have made the nerds happy let me explain to you how a simple deck of cards is going to get you into the best shape of your life.

The Deck Of Cards Workout Is So Old It Is New Again...

Now if you think this is something new and innovative that I invented I have to disapoint you and tell you the truth. I remember doing this workout in my teens which I am sad to say was a LONG time ago. I am not sure who started it, there are several different origin stories. 

One story is it started as a creative way for inmates in prison to workout if they had no weights.
As a child,  NFL Linebacker Ray Lewis said he used to do a deck of cards pushup workout. Whatever the number was, thats how many pushups he did. 

You can google deck of cards workout and you will get hundreds of options and all kinds of options. 
It has everything a great workout needs.
  • Variety. Everytime you shuffle the deck it is a different workout.
  • Ease Of Access. Almost every household has access to a deck of cards, if not they are very inexpensive and easily available.
  • Simplicity. As long as you arrange the exercises properly you only need 5 exercises - Upper Body, Lower Body, Core and Abs and Aerobic Capacity Work. 
So as I said earlier, I didn't invent the workout. I just took the guess work out of it and made it easier for you to do. 

So How Does The Deck Of Cards Workout Work?

The beauty of this workout is the simplicity.
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Each workout is about 25-40 minutes of duration depending on how many breaks you need and how long to complete each exercise.

Every suit is assigned an exercise. Aces are 11 and Kings, Queens & Jacks are 10. 

For example in this workout hearts are Burpees

If your card is the 8 of hearts you do 8 Burpees.

If your card is the Ace of Spades you do 11 Ball Slams.

If your card is the Joker you will do 10 Thunder Rolls.

You continue with every card until you have completed the entire deck. 
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Not sure about how to do an exercise?

Click on the name of the exercise to see a  video demonstration.

Our database contains video demos of over 50 exercises so you can be sure you are doing everything correctly.

No guess work, no confusion, no wasting time with Google or YouTube searches. 

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A Little Bit About Me...



My primary background in fitness is the sport of boxing. I was an avid student of  the strategy, technique, science, art, and most importantly the physical conditioning requirements of a demanding sport. 
At a young age I learned the importance of maintaining top physical condition at the lowest, yet safest, possible bodyweight.
 I left the sport to pursue my career in fitness training in the late 80’s when bodybuilding and aerobics reigned supreme in every fitness centers across the country.
These training methods were the exact opposite of what I had been taught. Instead of rejecting these new principles and different training methods, I studied and applied them so that I could provide my clients with the results they desired and more importantly they deserved.
My career has fortunately exposed me to sports and conditioning experts from all different  backgrounds. 
Again I became an avid student and watched, listened, and learned from people with backgrounds in wrestling, power lifting, olympic weightlifting, sprinters, marathon runners, and even yoga and pilates instructors. 
This Is What I Discovered

I discovered that each philosophy, each training system that I had learned and used had its own strengths and weaknesses. 
So, I decided to take the very best quality of each system and remove the weakest elements for maximum efficiency.
I then returned to my original passion in the sport of boxing, this time as a trainer, and what I discovered was amazing.
 The professional athletes I was training were getting leaner, stronger, faster, and experiencing improved endurance and stamina. 
I discovered that the intense short workouts provided far superior results to the long boring cardio workouts and weight room sessions they had done before.
In a few short years I had professional boxers, male and female, that were breaking through the top ten rankings and even winning multiple world titles.
I found myself progressing from the small local venues to places like Las Vegas, Houston, Amsterdan, Berlin and Budapest. I learned even more great training techniques from the elite trainers of Eastern Europe that were once kept secret from Americans because of the “Iron Curtain”. 
I continually improved upon and fine tuned this training system. I was being contacted by many professional boxers, trainers, and even athletes of other sports to share my conditioning methods and training systems to advance their careers. 
It was a dream come true to see my hard work and years of studying and research pay off.
Now I’m Sharing It With You
I have always loved being a trainer.
 I am thankful every single day that I make a great living doing something that I love, helping people improve themselves. 
My philosophy on fitness is that it is about more than looking good in a swim suit or having six pack abs; it is about pushing yourself, digging deep to find your limits, and pushing past them.
I took my experience as a trainer of elite athletes and modified the training system for regular people just like you to bring out the best in them.
Annihilation: Deck Of Cards Workout not only builds lean solid muscle and burns stubborn body fat, it builds confidence and self esteem that transforms lives outside of the gym. 
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing someone lose 20, 30, or 40 pounds; however, what I really love, what drives me to spend 12-14 hours a day in the gym and stay up all night writing new workout plans, is seeing someone’s life transformed.
 I have seen people transform from being insecure and feeling bad about themselves walking around with their heads down not wanting to look in the mirror or terrified of a scale transform to a person of confidence and renewed self esteem that walks with their head up proud of what they have accomplished.
That is why I am sharing my training systems with you at a price that is lower than a single one hour personal training session with me.
I want to see you experience the same transformation as hundreds of my clients and athletes.
I want you to use this training system so that you too can experience the rewarding feeling of transforming someone’s life.
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Make Today The Day You Make A Decision To Take Action!

I know it is difficult to find real, proven training systems that actually work. I know how impossible it may seem to reach your fat loss goals. It isn’t your fault. All the conflicting advice you see on the internet, on television and articles in the magazines leave you more confused than ever. I understand why you have become frustrated with your lack of results.I know exactly why you are bored with your workouts.
That is what motivated me to  create this training system.That is why I tested it on myself, professional athletes and my private personal training clients before I released it to you. My passion always has been and always will be helping people transform not only their bodies, but their lives. I want to add you to my long list of before and after pictures.I want to hear your stories.

Annihilation: Deck Of Cards Workout has worked for hundreds of my personal training clients and professional athletes and it will work for you. All you have to do is take action!
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Make Today The Day You Make A Decision To Take Action!
Maybe you are just frustrated from the lack of results from your current workouts. 

It could be that you are just beginning and want a clear proven method to guarantee that you get real fat loss results without wasting your time, energy or money on workouts that fail.

The reason doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you take action and make today the day that you see the results for yourself. 

I want you to get results you have always dreamed of but that you believed were impossible.

That’s right. For less than what it would cost to train with me for one hour or a monthly gym membership you can have instant access to 25 complete workouts to see the results you deserve. 
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