Update for year 46…I forgot last year.
My life has been busy and chaotic.
No excuses.
I have made friends with the chaos.
It is my greatest source of energy.
That’s Right!
It is that time of year again…
I just turned 46!
I got some great gifts and even more over the hill jokes…
I’m nowhere near washed up…
Many people think it’s time for me to slow down…Actually I am just getting warmed up.
Well I must say that my first 46 years on this earth have been one up and down crazy adventure. I have laughed. I have cried. I have punched walls and punched people. Experience is a test you get before you get the lesson.
I have started from meager beginnings and overcome great obstacles.
I have traveled the world and lived my dreams. I’ve made great friends and lifelong enemies. It has been anything but boring. Mediocre has never been my style.
I have succeeded in big ways. I have failed in even bigger ways. I never give up.
I was once told that I wasn’t smart enough to quit…
I took it as a compliment.
I have learned that life just kind of happens whether you want it to or not.
Most people just kind of exist…
They aren’t happy. They are just making it day-to-day.
They are living everyday wishing for 5 pm and Friday afternoon.
They are just getting by…
I would hate to see you fall into the same trap.
So to celebrate my 44st birthday I am going to share 44 Truths I learned that helped me live a Bad Ass 44 years that I hope you find useful as well.
1. The world owes you nothing, it was here first.
2. Self pity is the most powerful and addictive narcotic ever made. Don’t become a junkie.
3. If you ever find that you are feeling sorry for yourself watch a Rocky Balboa speech.
4.Read every single day. Read good books like biographies, motivational stories and quotes that are designed to encourage and empower you. Never watch the news or read the paper. They are designed to depress you and enslave you.
5. Never Fear Failure. If you are afraid of losing you will never win.
6. Life will knock you down and then kick you while you are on the ground. The more you cry the harder you get kicked. Don’t cry. Get back up and dare life to knock you down again. Then get up again. Repeat.
7. When you do fall, fall flat on your back. If you can look up you can get up.
8. Most people are just living to die. Be a person who is dying to live.
9. Where you began your life was someone else’s decision. Good or bad. Where you go with your life is your decision. Make good ones.
10. The world will not break your heart. It will crush your heart. Acknowledge, move on.
11. People love to watch a fire burn. Set yourself on fire and inspire all those around you.
12. Who you surround yourself with determines your level of success and your mindset. Iron sharpens Iron.
13. If you surround yourself with morons, so that you can feel like a genius, just remember you aren’t a genius. You are just a better moron.
14. Some people are born with bigger advantages and more talent than you. Stop whining about this and just accept that you will have to work twice as hard and be twice as tough. Hard work will always beat talent.
15. We are meant to be individuals. Followers never win. Be a wolf not a sheep.
16. Stop wasting time trying to fit in or make people like you. That is investing in other people. Invest in yourself. You are worth it.
17. You never have as many friends as you think you do.
18. You never have as many enemies as you think you do.
19. Always be the happiest person in the room. It won’t make you popular, but it will irritate all of the unhappy people and drive them out of your presence.
20. Never be afraid to take action. Remember that when you take action with a big idea that things will go wrong, you will screw up. So what. You can fix them later. Massive success is a byproduct of massive chaos.
21. Never stop learning from people who are more experienced. They can help you avoid some big landmines.
22. Never stop learning from people who are less experienced. They can help you from becoming outdated and old.
23. You are never the exception. You are always the rule. Listen to people who have been through what you are going through. Over the years people do not change, only the technology changes. You are not a special exception.
24. When you tell people your problems always remember that 90% of the world does not care about your problems. The other 10% are happy that you have them.
25. If you think that other people, Republicans or Democrats, Conservative or Liberals, your ex spouse or the city you live in is your biggest problem, then YOU are your biggest problem. None of those people care enough about you to make your life hard. If you hate the city you live in, then move.
26. Being bitter is like drinking poison and expecting the rest of the world to die.
27. If a friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend or employee wants to leave you, don’t beg them to stay. Hold the door open for them. Let someone more deserving have the great opportunity.
28. When you walk your own path in life you will do it alone. People will be irritated and offended. Let them be. They are just crabs in the bucket.
29. If you don’t know what crabs in the bucket are read:
30. There are 3 kinds of business. YOUR business which is your thoughts and actions. OTHER PEOPLE’S business, which is their thoughts and actions. LIFE’S business which is weather, traffic and the economy. Only concern yourself with YOUR business. All the other types of business are out of your control.
31.Chase your passions not money. Never spend years sacrificing and studying to be something that does not interest you at all just because it pays well. If you chase your passion you will be great at what you do and the money will find you. If you chase the money you will not own things, they will own you.
32. People could care less how much you know. They are more concerned with knowing how much you care.
33. Shrinking yourself down so that you won’t make those around you feel bad does no one any favors. You were meant to shine. Truly great people make you feel that you too can be great. Only surround yourself with those people.
34. The most important skill in life is making people happier and feeling better about themselves. If you master this skill you are a winner. If you make people sad or reinforce their insecurities you are a loser.
35. People who are born with stripes do not die with spots. When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time.
36. Once is a mistake, twice is stupid. If you pick a rattlesnake up 5 times it will bite you 5 times. Leave the rattlesnakes alone.
37. Being successful means you have to break away from the pack. It is scary and painful but you can’t take everyone with you. You are only able to push people. If you try to pull people they will only drag you down.
38. There are no secrets or magic formulas. Nothing is natural or easy. You won’t make money sitting on your ass and you won’t get healthy and thin eating fast food and popping pills.The magic formula is hard work. The secret is getting off your ass.
39. If you are fortunate you may have 3 or 4 friends in your entire life who want you to succeed. The rest are just acquaintances who never want you to have more than them.
40. Never beg the world to let you…Dare the world to try and stop you.
41. Love your life and love yourself…the days you are wasting right now you will soon be begging to have back.
42. Complain about this country all you want…It is not perfect but if you are born into the worst ghetto in Detroit, you are still a thousand miles ahead of the rest of the world. This is the only country on the planet that provides you the opportunity to change your station in life.
43. Just because you have been hurt, mistreated and lied to, do not let that turn you into a hammer. If you only have a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.
44. Letting the way people have treated you in the past influence how you treat others in the future is a sign of weakness. True strength is trusting after you have been lied to, being happy when everyone would understand if you were sad. It takes strength to believe in yourself when others have made you question your worth.
45. Remember don’t be afraid to fail…if you fail enough times it creates a mountain that you can stand on. You look and feel smarter to others but the truth is you were too busy screwing things up to notice anyone else. Success isn’t a result of luck or privilege…it is the ability to fail or fall down and get back up and finish with the same amount of energy you had when you first started.
46. Be comfortable with the fact that you will never “get it all done.” You will never be “there” or “caught up” let alone “ahead of the game.” If you are going to have any kind of accomplishment or success you had better make friends with chaos and uncertainty. Chaos is the order of the universe and will continually throw obstacles in your path. Stop stressing…just deal with it. The positive thing about chaos is that it is fair. Everyone who is breathing is experiencing some form of chaos. Stop thinking you are special. Life kills us all equally and fairly.
As always thank you for reading and following me…